Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Kale Chips

I am such a sucker for crunchy, salty things like chips and crackers. However, that's probably not what my body's telling me to eat when it sends those cravings to my brain. Kale is very high in beta carotene, vitamin K, vitamin C, lutein, zeaxanthin, and reasonably rich in calcium and iron (bonus for consuming iron with vitamin c to aid absorption). In order to cure my cravings and get something healthy ingested in place of chips and crackers, I've been making Kale Chips.

Kale Chips


Kale (purple, green, anything works) - you pick the quantity. Keep in mind it really cooks down!

Olive Oil

Kosher or Sea Salt and Pepper to taste


  1. Preheat your oven to 350-375
  2. Coat sheet pan in olive oil
  3. Wash kale thoroughly. Spin or strain dry but leave some moisture
  4. Cut or tear kale into chip-size pieces. (Remove the stems)
  5. Toss with olive oil -a little goes a long way
  6. Bake in the oven - stirring a few times throughout cooking - until pieces are dehydrated and crunchy but not burnt
  7. Salt and Pepper as desired
  8. Allow to cool and enjoy!
***Note: If you do choose to store some, do so uncovered. If you cover them they get soggy and funky!

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